Friday, January 2, 2015

Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Man the holidays were busy. I hate how that always happens and how it tends to push Christ out of our minds which is terribly ironic. But I think I did ok by trying to think of Him at least once everyday. It helped that my brother hosted a Christmas party for our church at my dad's house. It was nice to see everyone and our pastor. There was also a raclette cheese party with my fiance's family and Christmas morning presents. Then we went up to their cottage up north for 3 days. There I knitted my own cowl which is nice and warm. I also taught everyone a bit of origami and they really liked it. I also started a painting of my fiance's portrait. And I've been practising more classical guitar. I've really been taking advantage of my free time and doing all kinds of creative things I didn't have the time for when I was busy with school. We now have a friend visiting from out of town.

I am stressed though about school starting soon. I have no idea if I'm up for it or not.