Sunday, February 17, 2013

Antestor tabs now available on dropbox!

Finally a better way to share them with everyone! I've tabbed Via Dolorosa, Rites of Death, Med Hevede Sverd and Old Times Cruelty in gp5 and pdf with seperate files for different tracks:

Feel free to leave feedback.


  1. Hello Creatium
    First of all thanks for your great tabbing work on Antestor's fantastic music, which made everything easier for me to learn these songs. I was wondering weither for you it is okey if I would upload your guitar pro files of Antestor under my account on the website:

    Soon I will tab some old school songs of Antestor and since I know that lot of guitarists that look out for tabs would find it helpful to find everything together on there, I ask for your permission, since you did the work. I won't remove your blogger name on the tab files and I will just do little adjustments here and there. I would be really happy to hear from you soon :)

  2. cool sure thanks, I was trying to get them on that site before but it didn't get anywhere. Glad you like them! My goal is to eventually tab that whole album. Show me your tabs when you're done!

  3. Hello Creatium

    First of all thanks again for your gentle and appreciated collaboration and pre-work. I managed to finish the editing on "Med hevede Sverd". Now that i tried i know what you meant with "I was trying to get them on that site befor but it didn't get anywhere", but after some tries and some contacting i managed to get it on the site :) . I am having a lot to do with school at the moment but i think that i can accomplish to edit all your tabs and tab some other songs of Antestor and have them online latest by August. I will inform you also in future and wish you all the best. cheers girosgaros
