Monday, November 4, 2013

Proud and thankful, not ashamed

I've said it before here but struggled with it. Why should one be judged and looked down on for having mental illness? As if it reflects on our character? And yet, I've been very afraid of judgement and hated it if anyone in my family said anything hinting at my struggles to anyone else. And I didn't tell any acquaintances of my struggles, only close friends and family. Well, today I just told a bunch of complete strangers I have never met or will meet with my full name and everything. I got a scholarship (!) and you have to write a thank you letter to the donors. I decided to really show my gratitude, I would write this:
Thank you so much for your donations! I’ve never been chosen as a recipient for something like this before and it means a lot to me. To show how much I appreciate being recognized for my hard work, I am letting you know something very personal. I have a difficult past, which made school very hard for me, and for a period of time I couldn’t do any school because I had become mentally ill and a drug addict. It was hell on earth and I had no future except in institutions. I had given up on all hope but some small part of me started to try to get better and with the help of my Higher Power I got clean, got the right meds and went back to school. It was the hardest thing that I ever had to do and, I think, will ever have to do. I suffered so much but through that suffering I found purpose for my life. While living with others who were even more mentally ill than I in hospitals, I decided I wanted to be a psychologist to help and love these people. That’s why I’m in the specialization in psychology now and although it will take quite a few years, I intend to go all the way to a PhD in psychology to work in hospitals for those who really need it.

            I am now thankful for what I went through. It made me who I am and has given me considerable experience that I will need as a clinical psychologist. Receiving this scholarship is proof to me that I have come a long way and that I’m on the right path to helping others. Thank you for helping me along that path with your contributions!

Eeek! I'm kinda scared what they will think but you know what? I am proud and thankful for my past, not ashamed anymore. I will walk my talk and be more open about what has happened to me. There's no justifiable shame in having mental illness!

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