Wednesday, July 3, 2013

complacency is sooo bad

These days my fiance and I have just been downright lazy as hell. Get up well past noon, watch TV, maybe see a friend and watch more TV together and that's pretty much it. I figured it's like the calm before the storm. My dad's away in Jamaica getting married and in August we will be moving out with a friend. It's ok to have a calm downtime, but not when it lasts a few weeks and you don't go to church or any 12 step meeting or even sit down and have alone time with God for that whole period. I started feeling spiritually sick so today I finally prayed and meditated and I feel so much better. But there were other consequences as well of our complacency. We didn't spend much time with some loved ones, I started feeling depressed and lethargic and afraid I would slip into clinical depression again, I got more using dreams and more cravings for weed and cocaine and we drank more that led to feeling more down the next day so we got grumpy and had arguments and a particularly emotional confrontation between my fiance and my brother. I had a good talk with my little brother, mentioned how I have forgiven people and they're on good terms now. Anyways, my point is being complacent is bad for your soul. We're in constant battle against evil forces within and outside us and doing nothing only leaves more room for destructive impulses.
So yeah, going to try to be more productive now...

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