Sunday, May 10, 2015

Thank you for the roller-coaster mother's day

NOT. I had great cheap all-you-can-eat sushi with friends of friends and that was nice. Then on the metro this kid was crying and calling for his mom and that drove me up the wall. Then just seeing all the kids around me with their parents drove me crazy and women with flowers... I got home and refuse to leave. I can't even open my email safely today. I received news of someone's death. And of course I'm staying the hell away from facebook. Not even i can haz cheeseburger is safe, they have mother's day stuff on the front page. I went over to the neighbours to pet their incredibly friendly cat. It was even more affectionate than usual, climbing up my chest and rubbing its face against mine over and over again. So cute. I think it knew I am upset. And it tried to eat my mother's wedding ring around my neck. Somehow I think it means something but probably not. I texted some ppl but it looks like no one can hang out. I'd like to play board games to distract myself. Normally I would knit but my current project is for a future mother's future baby. Arg. I can't believe how sensitive I am today. I just keep having great times and then horrible times and great and horrible and over and over even in the same minute. I can't do anything like this. I am getting a bit scared of myself but I prayed and I know God is protecting me, even from myself. What else can I do but trust at this point.

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