-"Let her kill herself. Everyone is entitled to the choice of living or dying. If this troll wants to kill herself, let her."
Ok this is more like flaming but to some people it may look like a reasonable statement, especially if they are suicidal themselves. But it is not a true statement. Suicidal thoughts are a symptom of a psychiatric or psychological problem. There is no truly good reason to want to die aside from the debatable situation of being terminally ill.
-"New book idea suicide for dummies"
This is a popular thought that people have when they hear about someone trying to kill themselves repeatedly and is similar to the comment below. Both question, 'is the person really trying to die or what?' Instead of this judgemental questioning, you should be focusing on why someone would feel so badly that they would want to die or seriously injure themselves at all and repeatedly.
-"I agree this poor girl has some serious issues that need to be dealt with but also pretty sure she is an attention hog. I seem to remember a self video she did where she cut herself up or something. So with that said not sure what her intentions where/are."
Again questioning, 'did she really want to die?' and this person adds, 'or for attention?' But truly, what does it matter in the end? It's besides the point. The real point is that here is an individual who is possibly hurting herself for attention or really wants to die. Either way she needs professional medical level treatment for her psychological disorders and addictions (which is also classified as mental illness). Hurting yourself for attention is the behaviour of someone afflicted and suffering, not simply spoiled or badly behaving on purpose or manipulating as this comment suggests:
-"She is literally killing herself for attention and it seems to be working."
Even if she is manipulating for attention through trying to kill herself, does that sound like the behaviour of someone sane? They definitely have extreme thought patterns whatever the intentions, and that requires professional intervention and not condescending judgement from others!
-it's just a cry for help
Ok so I added this one but only because I hear a lot of this comment too when attempted suicide is brought up. If you were overboard in stormy seas, wouldn't you cry for help? Whatever the situation, even if it is a cry for help, then it's a sign that something's very wrong and the person needs help! If they're hurting themselves to cry for help, then they need psychiatric and/or psychological help and not condescending judgement!
-"even her website says she has "multiple personality disorder" ala "Cybil". She's not gonna last long."
At least this commenter acknowledges she suffers from an actual disorder that affects behaviour. But they see all the disorders and figure she's as good as dead. Yes some people unfortunately suffer from several disorders, substance abuse often comes along with a few personality disorders and bi-polar and schizophrenia and more. Yes that means they are at higher risk of early tragic deaths but most manage to live out their daily lives functionally with professional help. Stop all the harsh condemnation and judging of people who have mental illnesses!
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