Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A long awaited appointment
Some more revelations
Another major revelation: it finally hit me just how much I hurt God when I tried to live my own way with my boyfriends. For so long I felt sorry for myself because of the painful consequences of my sins and I got so frustrated at myself because I couldn't seem to stop but I was never actually sorry for them. But now that my eyes have been opened I am so sorry to God for my actual sins! What made it worse was that I didn't just forsake God's ways and go my own way, the whole time I thought I was following God but I just twisted His truth to justify my evil ways. How could I soil the Lord's name like that? Even in our best intentions the Devil soils us. Now I am content to live in humble obedience, keeping an open ear for God's guiding voice.
I also realized that people with depression are probably the most aware of how sinful and broken they are. They see the truth about human nature and thus despair over it. After all, part of the definition of depression is a strong sense of guilt and worthlessness. So, all they need is the Good News since they already got the bad news!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Med Hevede Sverd Antestor tab finished!
I had fun tabbing this song. It's simple but catchy with time changes and just challenging enough for my level.
Tab for Med Hevede Sverd by Antestor:
gp5 format:
Edit: The link below got changed or something weird so I uploaded it again, so here it is again
pdf format:
June 2011 edit: ok stupid uploading sites suck. I'll update all the links in a new post within the next week. is there a better way to do these things??
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Some alternative fashion talk
The first item I want to talk about is my new arm bracer. It's hand-made, real leather and was on sale. It was made more for LARPer's in mind but I love how heavy metal it looks. If something wearable is mostly black, with metal on it, then I will probably like it. It's perfect to wear to a concert and works like armour if you get stuck in a mosh pit!

Armour designed for the Middle Ages works for metalheads too
I used to looove Brown's, the shoe store, especially in the late 90's when I was 12 or 13. Now, I think it has gotten better compared to some past years but it's just not as interesting anymore. Maybe because they made a designer section which is insanely expensive and moved their cutting edge shoes there. Anyways, I've collected their catalogues over the years and there is one pair of boots I can never forget about. They have huge platform soles and look like they're from outer space which is awesome. Admittedly I don't have much cybergoth clothing that would go with them but that's not important. Oh how I wish I bought them when I had the chance! But my mom wouldn't let me, me being only 13 and such. I wonder if there's a pair somewhere out there, in my size and preferably black instead of the blue which I saw in store...

this image is from the 1999 catalogue I saved. I can't believe it's been 10 years!
tattoo is finished

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Antestor tabs planned
I think I will start with Med Hevede Sverd!
Meanwhile I'm slowly trying to learn Towards Dead End by Children of Bodom but I'm not used to scales and arpeggios so it's frustratingly tricky... Learning my own tabs of Kalmah has been easier which is awesome because my speed is improving!
ps: If anyone who plays guitar is reading this, please do not hesitate to request tabs. Especially if they are for Christian metal bands obviously :)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Graduating?! And such...
But anyways, right now I know I have to stay put and take a break from everything and resist the feeling that maybe I'm just being lazy. For how can God transform me when I'm frantically running around trying to earn my right to exist and take up resources? So, I'm going to focus on growing closer with the Lord and making some art and music for myself.
Guatemala trip!
And it was everything I hoped it would be (except for tiny blood-sucking flies), praise God! My good friend and I had an enjoyable, restful time and I really did get to spend some time with the Lord by reading the Bible on the beach and such.
We got to spend lots of time on beautiful beaches/in beautiful ocean water, ate good food, had awesome pina coladas and got to visit some cultural sites like Mayan ruins and the Castillo San Felipe which made me feel I was in Pirates of the Caribbean since the Spanish built it to fight off pirates in the 1600s.
I learned some Spanish, even played bingo in Spanish and marveled at all the different flora and crazy birds. I got to see a peacock, herons and graceful cranes just wandering around freely by the sea. At night there were tons of bluish-green fireflies that made me feel like I was looking at stars dancing above the grass. Ah, God's creation is so varied it's mind-boggling! I got to laugh at crabs on the beach skittering away sideways, saw a black bird eat a small snake and experienced an earthquake in the middle of the night which was really scary. It was actually the tremors from the lethally destructive 7.1 level earthquake in Honduras which was nearby. I was surprised everything was fine except for electricity and the phone lines.

Guatemala City

Enjoying the beach. I love hammocks now

This iguana kept staring at us

The Castillo San Filipe!

The mountainous Guatemalan countryside
I got to meditate a bit on Psalm 130 and 131. Here they are:
Psalm 130
A song of ascents.
1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; 2 O Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.
3 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness;
therefore you are feared.
5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
6 My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.
7 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD,
for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
8 He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins.
Psalm 131
A song of ascents. Of David.
1 My heart is not proud, O LORD,my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
2 But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
3 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD
both now and forevermore.
Well, I certainly am learning to wait and watch for the Lord. He is becoming a bigger part of my thoughts and I can only hope more and more of His truth will sink into me. My soul must calmly wait upon the Lord. Can my soul be stilled? I feel like my soul is suffering God's wrath for all my sins when I have my episodes. Isn't that the opposite of what I'm supposed to feel? I want my soul to be stilled, free from sin, despair and anguish. Isn't that what God's mercy is all about? And still I have these voices in my head; this twisted logic that is always self-condemning. Why does my soul accept those lies over the truth? I think this is my key problem. The counsellor I fired some months ago believed it has to do with how my mother brought me up. She may have a point. During my late teens my mom sometimes said how sorry she was for being a bad mother and all I could say was that it's not true. When someone is suffering from a life-threatening disease it's easy to forget their past mistakes so I honestly meant it. Of course she wasn't a bad mother but I regret my dismissive reaction. If I acknowledged her apology we could have talked about it and move on but now I'm left all alone without my best friend in the world and a heart that spews never-ending sorrow.
Sorry this all sounds so melodramatic but this is the first time I can admit to myself and the Lord that I regret some things I said and did to my mom before she passed away...
If you really are going to heal me Lord please give me faith that You will do so. The only faith I have right now is that I will be part of Your Kingdom in heaven.