Thursday, June 9, 2011

close call avoided thanks to AA + effort

I finally confronted my therapist with written points of how I felt judged by her and how I felt she dismissed my personality disorder as just an excuse to not change. It was an intense session where I was yelling at her and crying for an hour. She said sorry and that I was mis-perceiving things (of course) but I still felt like crap when the session was over. Then my dad called and said he wasn't coming home for dinner and my brother wasn't home either. So, I'm super upset and about to go to an empty home. I'm obviously going to drink or smoke up. It's a very bad situation for using. After alot of struggle and debate in my head, I decided the best thing to do was to stick around downtown and go to the AA meeting at the hospital and boy am I glad I did. The meeting itself wasn't that great, I couldn't relate to the speaker that much but the chatting afterwards was really good. People remembered me from when I was there for detox and were very encouraging and I was able to help someone out by giving a number for MA since he said his problem was marijuana too. I vented a bit about my therapist and shared a bit during the discussion time and another lady said she related alot to what I said. So I left the meeting late and felt some relief, enough that I didn't want to use anymore. I went to bed in a positive mood and my therapy group and psychologist were all happily surprised when I told them the story.

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